Saturday, April 28, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Hello all! Andrew and I are just here hanging out watching Blue's Clues. It is a little too chilly today to go outside and play "soccer ball" like he really wants to. It was only 54 degrees and very windy when he got here this morning, so we have been watching movies and cartoons instead. It's okay to have a lazy Saturday every once in a while!

I am feeling very lazy today. It isn't as bad as yesterday, but I do think it is a side effect of the infusion. I just wanted to sleep Thursday evening and then I went to bed early again last night. My plan for tonight is to watch a couple movies and clean up some of the basement. Then, I need to sort through bills for my meeting with the attorney on Monday. So, if I can get the main part of the living room cleaned up tonight, then I can sort bills on the coffee table.

Tomorrow, mom and I are planning a jammie day. We don't have anywhere that we need to go and so we are just going to hang out at home, watch some movies and I am going to grill steaks out on the deck. Hopefully, it will be a nice enough day that we can eat outside and enjoy the nice weather. I think it is supposed to be warm, but I don't know how windy it will be - today is very windy.

I was logging my blood sugars today in my log book and noticed that I have not had good control recently. It seems like I am going through an awful lot of insulin and I am just not getting very good numbers. I have been over 200 a majority of the last 2 weeks. I don't know why things have been so out of control. I know that I haven't been the best in terms of diet, but I haven't been all that bad that I should be seeing these high numbers.

I don't know if the abdominal pain is a result of the high blood sugars or the high blood sugars are a result of the abdominal pain, but both are not so good right now. I am getting progressively more and more uncomfortable again. It was so nice having those nice days last week. The pain was actually tolerable and I was able to have some fun without having to constantly think about it. Now, I am back to having to limit what I am doing. I had a really hard time doing the little shopping mom and I did last night. I mean, all we did was wander around WalMart for about 20 minutes while waiting for my prescription and then over to MC Sports to exchange her shoes, but while waiting in line at MC, I felt like I was about to pass out from the discomfort. This is not acceptable.

Anyway, I guess that I should get back to Andrew. He is fascinated by whatever is on TV. It's about time to get the toys cleaned up because Matt will be here in just a little bit. Andrew has been so good today. I love having him over - he is so much fun to play with. I hope that as he gets bigger, he continues to enjoy coming over to see me. I worry that I won't be the fun aunt that I have always wanted to be. I don't want to be the aunt that is no fun because she is always sick and I definitely don't want to be the one he feels sorry for. I want to be fun Aunt Sally...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hi sally love the blog I never knew what a blog was before drew is a cutie my older bro has 3 boys and 1 girl well I hope everything is well with the infusion Jamie