Monday, April 23, 2007

'Tis Monday...

Another week has arrived and it seems like a fairly busy week. Mom's birthday is tomorrow (Happy Birthday Mom!) and so we are having family dinner tomorrow. I'm fixing cheesy chicken, fresh beans and we are having a surprise for desert (it's one of mom's favorites). I'm going to put the cheesy chicken in the crockpot in the morning so I can hopefully enjoy dinner tomorrow night. My abdominal pain has returned and is making standing really difficult right now, so my hope is that by doing the hard part of dinner in the morning, I will be okay for eating by dinnertime.

Becky, Andrew and I are going to breakfast in the morning and then going to do our normal Tuesday hangout. I need to run a couple errands tomorrow and then it will be back to home to finish dinner.

I also have a wound care appointment and my IVIG infusion is this week, so that should keep me busy.

I'm not really feeling very well, as I eluded to above. All day long my abdomen has felt like it is very bloated and like my stomach area is trying to take over my entire body. I did change my bed tonight (the sheets were my opinion at least) and after that I felt like someone was trying to drive a tree trunk right through me from front to back - wow, that is not a comfortable feeling.

So, now I am going to go to bed and see if I can get rid of the feeling for a while. I was having a hard time staying awake upstairs, but it seems that the moment I crawl into bed, my eyes are wide open and I can't sleep a wink until after 4 or 5. Since I need to be up by about 8:30, that isn't a good plan for today!

Oh, on the medicaid front, I called my case worker AGAIN today, but got his voice mail again with no response...this is getting annoying.


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