Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday night...

So, it is Saturday night and I am happy to say that I made it through another day. We had a wonderful time with Andrew today. He was in such a good little mood and was just having fun playing and talking all day long. We didn't end up making cookies because he needed a nap this afternoon due to the fact that he got up bright and early this morning. He is anxiously waiting for Sue and Jim (my aunt and uncle) to come home from Florida this week though and I told him we could bake cookies next week and make sure we take some to them.

I'm very tired tonight despite my afternoon nap. It seems that this darned pancreas takes an awful lot of energy out of me. I was feeling pretty good most the day, but this evening has taken a bit of a turn. I am in more pain and quite nauseated tonight...not to mention the cold sweats which have left me looking like I just took a shower.

I don't have much planned for tomorrow. I think we are going to have dinner at Matt and Becky's tomorrow night because it has been a while since we had a family dinner. I suggested pizza - something easy and cheap, but Becky thought Matt might want to cook.

I am just hoping to be around for dinner tomorrow...I have that sinking feeling that something is about the happen again. The nausea, pain, fatigue, sweats and general sense of uneasiness are generally not a good has been almost 3 weeks since I was last discharged from the hospital, so I suppose I should be thankful that we are starting to put a little more time in between admissions...

Hope you all have a great day. I am headed off to bed!


1 comment:

Caremme said...

Sally, I'm keeping you in my thoughts. It is obvious how much love and happines Drew brings to your life. Take care.