Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A sad state of affairs

It is a sad day when the news is consumed by the acts of one person. I will never understand why it is that a person feels that they should take out their frustration and anger on a group of unrelated individuals. This young man that felt the need to kill his fellow students at VA Tech must have had some rationale, but sadly, I think we will never understand it and as a result, there are a lot of people who have lost their innocent children for no explainable purpose. My deepest sympathies to those families and to the parents of this young man who are likely as at great a loss for how to cope with this as any of the others.

On a brighter note, Sue and Jim came home Sunday night and surprised us by joining the family dinner at Matt and Becky's. We had a wonderful night of laughing and eating. It is so nice to have them back home again. We miss them while they are gone, whether they believe that or not! It was actually quite ironic because Saturday, Andrew must have told me 10-12 times that he wanted to see "Uncle Jim and Aunt Sue" and I had to keep telling him that they would be home sometime this week and maybe we would see them next weekend. Little did I know that it would only be 24 hours!

As for me, I am still hanging in here. I haven't had the best few days. My stomach has been going crazy in the evening and I haven't been able to keep any food in after about 5pm. I seem to do okay at lunch time, but by dinner, all bets are off. The pain is still out of control as well. I wish that if something was going to happen that it just would so I could be done with it for a couple weeks!

Well, I had best be off to bed. I am having lunch with Sue tomorrow and have a couple errands to run. Hope you all had a great day!


1 comment:

Lynne said...

Today is "Hokie Hope" day here in Virginia. We're all wearing VT's school colors, even UVA who is their biggest rival is honoring them by wearing the maroon and orange.

Such a waste of life -