Saturday, April 21, 2007

A spring evening...

I had a lovely time this evening sitting out on the deck reading my book. You know, I realized tonight that although I spend probably 90% of my week alone, I rarely spend time enjoying my aloneness. As I sat outside tonight, I was able to appreciate the sounds of nature around me, the beauty of the sun setting and the joy of just being alone with myself. I need to remember to do that more often because it really is nice.

Tomorrow is Saturday, which means it is Andrew day! My plan is in the morning to go out to the deck and have him play outside for a while rather than just sitting and watching TV...we shall see though if it is warm enough or dry enough first thing in the day. In the afternoon, I am planning to make cookies with him. We are going to make oatmeal butterscotch cookies (yes, we planned to do this last week, but it didn't happen), which are my favorite. So, we will make them and freeze most of them so Aunt Sally doesn't make a fool of herself this week eating cookies! he he he.

I did get a lot done today, though I was a little slower and sore today than I was yesterday. I did manage to get my prescription filled (after an hour and a half on the phone with the insurance company trying to get the COBRA straightened out) and got my packages mailed out (yes, Rebecca and Linda can expect boxes this week!!!) and then after a little time to relax, I cleaned the kitchen before retiring to the deck to enjoy the evening.

Otherwise, the day was pretty much the same as any Friday. I got several appointments scheduled and mailed out more social security paperwork. Mom went out for her first golf outing of the Spring. She had a great time and seems very excited about the upcoming season. She has joined a second league and is really looking forward to meeting new people and playing a different course. I am glad that she has been able to find something that she enjoys so much and people she enjoys playing with. I am definitely not going to be her golf partner, so it's a good thing she has found friends to play with!

Well, it's off to bed for me...gotta get some rest before my little noodle arrives in the morning!

Have a great night!



Caremme said...

Sally, I'm glad that you had a nice evening. I sent you an email using my gmail account. Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll send it again with my regular account. Take care and hope you had a wonderful day with Andrew.

heather said...

i'm so glad you're having some good days - you deserve it!