Friday, May 4, 2007


Thank goodness it's Friday! I can honestly say that this week has been long and I am glad that it is at its end.

I had a really great day yesterday. I spent the day with Becky and Andrew. He and I played Candy Land and then the 3 of us tried to play Chutes and Ladders, but he had worn out his ability to concentrate. So, we will have to try that again later. It seems to me that after kicking my butt at CandyLand that he would have been more than ready to play another game, but fortunately, winning doesn't matter much to him yet - he just wanted to get to the party at the top of the game with Dora!

The funniest part of the day was probably when he wanted me to stay and watch Madagascar with him. So, I whispered to him that he should ask mommy if Aunt Sally could stay for dinner...he looks up and says "Hey mom, Aunt Sally needs food!" Ummm, not quite what I had in mind, but he did get the point across. We had yummy chicken marinated in terioyke on the grill - it was so good.

I have been working on laundry today - actually, I have gotten one load done and I need to go get another one going. The problem is that the clothes is downstairs and the washer is upstairs. I am in major pain today, probably a result of too busy a week and a few too many elbows to the belly yesterday (Andrew, unknowningly, elbows me when he is on my lap and is trying to get down). So, despite all my pain meds, I am in major pain (you know the kind where you sit here sweating and trying not to move because it hurts so much). So, I really need to bring another load of laundry up, but just climbing the stairs myself is hard today. I also need to get the kitchen cleaned.

Cleaning is becoming the bane of my exisitance. I feel really bad about it. I'm a messy person - I always have been and I just don't see that changing. It isn't that I don't want to be neat - I really do, but I just seem to have an inability to be neat. The problem is that it is driving mom nuts and I feel bad about it. I want so badly to clean for her and to be all that she wants of me. I really want to make her happy. The problem is that I hate cleaning. I don't know how the basement gets so messy - I'm never even down there. Actually, that is exactly the problem. I walk down there and toss stuff down and then come back upstairs and the crap just stays right where I put it and I never go back to it. So, I know that I need to get it cleaned up, but I can generally find ANYTHING else to do. I want to make her happy though - I want her to be proud of me and I want her not to be embarrassed to admit that I live with her and that I am her daughter. I love her and appreciate all that she has done for me, especially over the last couple years. It can't possibly be easy for her to go through all this and I realize this. It is extremely stressful having me here and knowing that at any moment I get sick and her life has to change all over again. I know that it is hard for her to give up her dreams of retiring and moving to Florida all because she has had to provide financially for me. I'm sure that she is less than excited about telling people that her grown daughter lives with her - even if there is a good reason. She is a wonderful mom and I couldn't ask for better. I need to do better by her.

So, I shall leave my blog for now and start cleaning and getting my laundry done. It's what I should do and so I shall.

Hope you all have a great day!


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