Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Let's go Kroger-ing, Kroger-ing...

Remember the old song for Kroger? Ah well, maybe I am old... I didn't go to Kroger today anyway, it was Meijer - and it really wasn't any fun.

My day started with going to the wound care clinic and then to lunch and then to Meijer to do the grocery shopping. The wound care clinic was fine. We decided to continue with the same silver stuff for another week and see what happens. It seems to be doing fine for now - the wound isn't getting any smaller, but it isn't getting any bigger either. Honestly, I don't think it will ever get smaller...I think we are just chasing our tails.

This was a lousy weekend. I got a stomach bug on Saturday and was throwing up like a crazy person all morning long. I had to call mom around 7am and ask her to get up when Andrew arrived because I had already thrown up nearly a dozen times in 3 hours and there was no way I was going to get up there to take care of him. I didn't make it upstairs until after noon and even then I was of no use. Mom ended up canceling her golf outing becausee I wasn't safe to leave alone, once again. Fortunately, the throwing up stopped and I was able to start keeping things down by dinner time. I didn't know it, but if things hadn't improved by 7pm, mom was taking me into the ER anyway, so I perkedup just in time!

Fortunately, the bug seems to have passed me by now and I am feeling much better. I am having a lot of pain though in my abdomen and back. It was bad enough as it was, but last night, I was taking the trash out and I was having trouble getting it away from the wall in the garage. I gave it a yank and it came out quick and slammed into my side in the front. Now, that area hurts to the point that it makes me nauseated at times. My back is hurting a lot more too - right straight back like someone has shoved their arm right through me from front to back. I am so tired of the pain.

I did manage to get the groceries today though. I spent $100 on this month's food and hopefully that will hold us out for the most part. That leaves me $50 for the rest of the month, so it should be good. I got some pizza, chicken, turkey, salad, etc. I think I did pretty well. I am still trying to get the hang of shopping on a tighter budget and for 2 instead of 1.

Well, I need to go relax for a bit. My body hurts just sitting here typing, so I need a nap.


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