Saturday, May 19, 2007

Unexpected blessings...

I had an unexpected blessing this morning land on my doorstep! Andrew came to see me for the day. He was supposed to have a babysitter at home today, but she never showed up. So, Becky called me about 9:35 and said - Andrew is on his way over! So, I quick jumped through the shower and threw on some clothes and made it upstairs before he got here. We have had a nice day - coloring, watching cartoons, etc. Grandma even went and got us McDonald's! It's just been a nice day together...he is currently taking himself a little nap because they are having some friends from out of town tonight and so he is likely going to be up a bit later than usual.

As for me, I am doing okay. I saw Dr. Dewan again this week (the GI doc) and I still don't like him. He just isn't a nice guy - at least not to me. He acts like I am not worth his time and that I am just a bother to him. I told him that I am not interested in going to Indiana for the ERCP and he said fine. When the PA came in before him and asked me about the ERCP, I told her no and she enquired as to why. I told her that I am tired of being poked at when there is no obvious reason for it and that my research has also shown that the ERCP often leads to an acute pancreatitis attack, which I have no desire to egg on! She said she completely understood that, but figured that Dr. Dewan would give me grief for it. He didn't...once again, he didn't seem to care one way or the other.

At the end of the appointment, I asked him what I should expect from chronic pancreatitis, although I realize he has no crystal ball, I figured he could give me some idea. He informed me that this is it - pain, nausea, vomiting - basically, hell. I, life sucks and it will just get worse? This is all you have to offer me? and he said...yes and turned to leave. Nice, huh?

So, I guess I am going to look for a new GI. I mean, I realize that there is really nothing that can be done for me because I am not willing to have a pancreatectomy (removal of my pancreas) or other surgeries and invasive procedures, but I could stand to have someone who is at least supportive and friendly. Does that seem unreasonable?

I wasn't feeling all that great last night. I have been having a problem with vomiting for the last week or so. It seems like every 4th-5th meal, I throw it up. Apparently, this is because the gastroparesis is getting worse. The GI doc did start me on another medication this week to see if we could get my digestion moving a little faster.

The good news is that my lungs seem to be pretty happy. I don't like the fact that I am on 24 mg of Medrol because of all the negative effects of it, but I am so grateful that I can function without gasping all the time. It is so nice not to be in the ER struggling to breathe every few weeks. Maybe in time, I will be able to reduce the dose, but for now, it seems to managing things. Each time I have tried to taper, things go bad and I end up bursting. So, I would rather stay on a steady dose than keep bursting.

Anyway, that's about all that is going on here. I think I hear Drew singing in the other room, so I better go check up on him. Have a great day!


1 comment:

heather said...

my vote, poke the GI in the eye (and then poke him in the other eye, for me!!) no real reason to do that, but maybe it will put a smile on your face!

(okay, i guess that's a new yorker for ya!!)