Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Not the day I had planned...

So, I had an appointment at 9:30am at the wound clinic this morning. I thought I would go there and be home by 11 at the latest and then go out with Carol this afternoon/evening. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men... I just got home at 4:30pm.

As I believe I had mentioned before, I am having a problem with stretch marks getting thin and tearing. Well, I have several that have torn and one is especially large. I was concerned that it had developed a tract/fistula (tunnel) and that was confirmed this morning by the nurse practitioner. She was concerned though because she was able to go 5 cm with a q-tip and didn't hit the end of the tract. So, she sent me for a CT scan to see if the fistula goes to the bowel and I have to return there on Friday to have it repacked and to get the results of the CT scan. If it does connect to the bowel, then my surgeon will have to be contacted and I guess I would have to have it surgically repaired. I don't really know all the repercussions of what can happen here, but I am trying to just look at the easy end of this. I am just going with the idea that it doesn't connect and that it will be no problem.

Otherwise, things are going okay. More abdominal pain lately, but in hindsight, this is probably related to this fistula problem. Lungs are doing a little better...but, I am working hard at keeping out of the heat and humidity because when I go out there, things get a little tougher.

Hope the rest of you are having a good day. I will update again when I have more information about the CT scan...


Friday, May 25, 2007

Made it through the first heat wave...

Man, did it get hot here this week. Okay, so I suppose it wasn't all that bad, but for May, it was pretty darned hot. It got up to the high 80s - low 90s for 3 days. Fortunately, I turned the AC on Tuesday when the house got up to about 76 and I said - okay, that's it! I just don't seem to tolerate the heat very well anymore. I am told that this is yet another glorious effect of my malfunctioning pancreas and that I am going to find more and more that I don't tolerate extremes in temperature in either direction. I definitely noticed it with the heat. I mean, I sweat a lot even on a good day...let's not discuss how sweaty I was in the heat!

Tomorrow, I have to get up and be at the hospital around 8:30am for my next IVIG infusion. I am less than thrilled to be up so early for the infusion being that I would rather be here playing with Andrew, but what choice do I have? I could have rescheduled it, but I hate to be a pest to the infectious disease office. So, my cross-stitch and I will be off and headed to the hospital nice and early. I have tried reading there, but it never works...they have TVs in the room and it is just easier to watch TV and cross-stitch.

On the cross-stitch front, I had lunch with my aunt Sue this week and she was telling me about an opportunity with a craft company, Dimensions. She met a woman who does consumer testing for them. So, I emailed them and they responded back that they don't have openings in counted cross-stitch, but they do in stamped cross-stitch. So, I replied back that I would be willing to do stamped cross-stitch. What happens is this - they send you a kit (either one that has not gone into production or one that just needs to be reviewed) and you do it and send it back to them. They then examine it to determine if the pattern is the way they want it and if there is enough floss (thread) for the project. Then, they send it back to you to keep! So, it's a great opportunity for me to do some cross-stitch with a purpose! I mean, I am sitting here doing it anyway, I might as well have a purpose! I'm going to check with a couple other companies that I order products from and see if they do it as well. It's a good thing for me to have something to do. The project I am taking for tomorrow is actually a sippy cup for a friend who just had a baby...

In terms of my health, I'm not really feeling all that great. I have been trying to hide it from everyone, but I think mom is starting to catch on. Food doesn't like me. I had been throwing up for the last few weeks, but that has stopped - thankfully. Unfortunately, it seems though that I eat and am in the bathroom within about 10 minutes. It's like the food doesn't even stop and say hello to my intestines! I feel like I am gaining weight though like a crazy person. I am feeling more and more bloated and fat. I am to the point that I wish it would either get better or worse, but please don't stay the same! My back hurts and I am just so worn out. I can't walk for very long before my body just revolts. To make matters worse, my lungs aren't enjoying the changes in weather, so that just adds to the trouble. 'Tis the season...

Anyway, enough whining from me! I think that I shall grab my book and go outside for a while. Ugh - that reminds me...this will make you laugh. I went to the library today for the first time since before I was originally hospitalized. I knew that there was a fine because I had books out when I went into the hospital and, funny enough, my family's first concern was not returning my library books while I was lying in the ICU. So, I get to the counter and said that I wasn't sure if my account was even open because it has been 2 years. She looks and says - oh, you owe $29 on your primary account and then on your Ready to Read account (the children's book account I had from when I volunteered for the library) you owe $375. Apparently, they are charging me for the books that are still out on that RTR account even though they said that the books were never "due" because of the program I was working with and that as long as kids were enjoying the books, it didn't matter. Andrew has the books and loves them, so I just didn't worry about it. So, now I have to return all those books - no big deal because they are still all with Andrew and Becky has already found them. The other account though, I asked her if there was someone I could talk to about the fine because there were extenuating circumstances and I was wondering if they would wave the fine - I have ALWAYS paid my fines before and I admit that I regularly turn them in late, but I never ask for any leniency because I know I am late. This was different though. She looks at me and says "no, I'm the branch manager." Okay...I'll just wait and go downtown another day and talk to someone there...Did they really think I would be writing a check for $400 to check out 2 library books??? Good grief!

Anyway, that was my funny for the day...

Have a great day!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Death by procrastination...

I think that is what the state of Michigan is going for...if they procrastinate long enough with regards to my medicaid application, I will die before they have to pay! It's the new budget solution!!!

I just spoke with my case worker after leaving yet another message for him and he informed me that he still doeesn't have all the paperwork from the hospitals. He is waiting for records from Bronson and Select. This is the same thing he told me 2 weeks ago and said that he would take care of it then! Well, he informed me today that he still hasn't gotten the records, so he will go ahead and send out a second request today/tomorrow. He said that either they didn't get it or maybe in the shuffle of everything he just didn't get the request out for those 2 know, he says, you did have a lot of places to send requests to. UGH! He then told me that once he gets those records, he will take my records to the MRT (medical review team) and see if it can be expedited. I tried to express to him that I am getting desperate. The hospital called me today to tell me that they won't be paying anymore COBRA, so as of the end of the month, I am out of insurance, which means I have no way of paying for prescriptions as of May 31. I asked my case worker what I am to do and he said that there is nothing he can do other than try to get me approved as soon as he can and that even once I am approved, there are likely medications that I take now that won't be covered. I realize that is the case, but it will cover some and we will try to make changes to get the others covered or try other medications that are covered. Until I get approval though, I am screwed!

I am also trying to decide what to do about my bankruptcy. I feel like I should wait until I have my medicaid approval before I file for bankruptcy because if by some chance I am not approved, I will end up with a bunch of other bills that will need to be included. The problem though is that I really need to get it filed so I can get some of these people off my back.

In addition, I have to decide what to do about school. If I include my school loans in my bankruptcy, I am done going to school. If I want to go back, then I can't file against them, but I still can't afford to pay them. I don't know if I am ready to admit that I can't do the work and thus there is no need to finish school. It's been a big step admitting that I can't work right now - I don't know that I am ready to say that I will never be able to go back into an office...

So, I went to the PCP today and discussed with him a couple problems I am having. One of them is that I keep falling asleep. There are days that I am so exhausted that I sleep probably 18-20 hours a day - it's ridiculous. For instance, I was watching American Idol last week with mom and kept falling asleep even while talking to mom and then I would wake up and be completely disoriented. Other days, it is no problem at all. So, we are trying another medication, Provigil, to see if that helps. It is likely a side effect of the pain meds because it has gotten worse since we had to increase the dose of the meds. Hopefully this will help, although I probably can't afford it after this month! I am also going to start checking my blood pressure upstairs on a more regular basis. I have been having an increasing problem with my legs getting very spaghetti-like and then a head rush after taking a few steps. Yesterday, it was so bad that I slammed into a cupboard in the kitchen and bruised myself. It had been happening on an infrequent basis, but in recent weeks it has gotten worse. I didn't want to worry anyone here, but I felt like I had to address it with the doctor because it has gotten worse. I worry that I am going to get hurt. Hopefully, we can figure things out. I don't know if it is a BP issue or a sugar issue.

On my way home, I took myself out to lunch. Today is the only day I had an appointment scheduled (other than my weekly wound care appointment) and so I thought it was fair to do that. I had a lovely sandwich and strawberry shortcake and read my book. I am currently reading "The Innocent Man" by John Grisholm. It isn't my favorite book, but it's okay. It definitely started out slowly, but it does seem to be picking up. I am looking forward to my next book to read - "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. I have started reading it a little (I wanted to read out on the deck and the other book was downstairs) and it seems like a great book. After that, I think I will try to get my hands on either the new Maive Binchy or Jody Piccoult book...I want to read them both. I need to get to the library and pay my fine so I can read. I still have a fine from when I was in the hospital last year. I had a bunch of books out when I was admitted and somehow returning my library books were not on the top of my mind as I was laying there in the ICU! Go figure!

Anyway, that's about it from here. It's supposed to get really warm here this week (86-90 degrees!) and so I figure the AC will be turned on soon...I just don't tolerate the heat very well - never have, but these days it is even worse. I sweat bad enough on a cold day...imagine the puddles I can produce in the heat and humidity!

Hope you all have a great day!


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Unexpected blessings...

I had an unexpected blessing this morning land on my doorstep! Andrew came to see me for the day. He was supposed to have a babysitter at home today, but she never showed up. So, Becky called me about 9:35 and said - Andrew is on his way over! So, I quick jumped through the shower and threw on some clothes and made it upstairs before he got here. We have had a nice day - coloring, watching cartoons, etc. Grandma even went and got us McDonald's! It's just been a nice day together...he is currently taking himself a little nap because they are having some friends from out of town tonight and so he is likely going to be up a bit later than usual.

As for me, I am doing okay. I saw Dr. Dewan again this week (the GI doc) and I still don't like him. He just isn't a nice guy - at least not to me. He acts like I am not worth his time and that I am just a bother to him. I told him that I am not interested in going to Indiana for the ERCP and he said fine. When the PA came in before him and asked me about the ERCP, I told her no and she enquired as to why. I told her that I am tired of being poked at when there is no obvious reason for it and that my research has also shown that the ERCP often leads to an acute pancreatitis attack, which I have no desire to egg on! She said she completely understood that, but figured that Dr. Dewan would give me grief for it. He didn't...once again, he didn't seem to care one way or the other.

At the end of the appointment, I asked him what I should expect from chronic pancreatitis, although I realize he has no crystal ball, I figured he could give me some idea. He informed me that this is it - pain, nausea, vomiting - basically, hell. I, life sucks and it will just get worse? This is all you have to offer me? and he said...yes and turned to leave. Nice, huh?

So, I guess I am going to look for a new GI. I mean, I realize that there is really nothing that can be done for me because I am not willing to have a pancreatectomy (removal of my pancreas) or other surgeries and invasive procedures, but I could stand to have someone who is at least supportive and friendly. Does that seem unreasonable?

I wasn't feeling all that great last night. I have been having a problem with vomiting for the last week or so. It seems like every 4th-5th meal, I throw it up. Apparently, this is because the gastroparesis is getting worse. The GI doc did start me on another medication this week to see if we could get my digestion moving a little faster.

The good news is that my lungs seem to be pretty happy. I don't like the fact that I am on 24 mg of Medrol because of all the negative effects of it, but I am so grateful that I can function without gasping all the time. It is so nice not to be in the ER struggling to breathe every few weeks. Maybe in time, I will be able to reduce the dose, but for now, it seems to managing things. Each time I have tried to taper, things go bad and I end up bursting. So, I would rather stay on a steady dose than keep bursting.

Anyway, that's about all that is going on here. I think I hear Drew singing in the other room, so I better go check up on him. Have a great day!


Monday, May 14, 2007

It's been a few days...

It's been a few days since I posted last. I guess that things got a little busier than I realized. Actually, I think it has more to do with the fact that I just haven't been at my desk in a few days.

Friday afternoon, I realized that I had cellulitis, so I was off to the doctor to get some antibiotics and ointment to get rid of that. The amazing part of this story is not that I got cellulitis AGAIN, but that for the first time, I seem to be getting rid of it without being admitted to the hospital! Let's all do a little dance for this bit of good news! Maybe the IVIG is working after all!!!

Unfortunately, the pancreatitis still seems to be flaring a little, though I do think it is a little better now than it has been the last week or so. The pain has not been quite as bad, though I am still very uncomfortable, quite nauseated and extremely tired. Yesterday, I went to bed at 9:30pm and was sound asleep until about 10am today! That is a freakish amount of sleep for me. It seems like I go a couple nights with very little sleep because I am just too uncomfortable and then one night where I sleep like a log. Wonder what that means for tonight? I'm tired...but, we shall see as that doesn't always mean anything.

We had a very nice Mother's Day. We went to Matt, Becky and Andrew's for dinner. Matt made a really tasty dinner for the 3 ladies of the family and then Andrew presented us with our gifts. I got an adorable frame with a picture of him and I that says something about Aunts being like Mommies, only better. :o) I also got a card that said that I am the "funnest grownup" he knows. Becky is always really good about acknowledging me for Mother's/Aunt's Day and I really appreciate it.

So, that's about it from here. I am still waiting to hear from my caseworker about my Medicaid. I guess I will be calling him yet again tomorrow to see what is up. Wednesday and Thursday are filled with doctors appointments. Friday, I have nothing scheduled because Alice and I have changed our plans to Saturday. I don't know if I am babysitting, but if not, we will probably go for lunch and then maybe to a movie or something. The local theater runs movies for $3, so we might do that.

Anyway, hope you all have a great day!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Let's go Kroger-ing, Kroger-ing...

Remember the old song for Kroger? Ah well, maybe I am old... I didn't go to Kroger today anyway, it was Meijer - and it really wasn't any fun.

My day started with going to the wound care clinic and then to lunch and then to Meijer to do the grocery shopping. The wound care clinic was fine. We decided to continue with the same silver stuff for another week and see what happens. It seems to be doing fine for now - the wound isn't getting any smaller, but it isn't getting any bigger either. Honestly, I don't think it will ever get smaller...I think we are just chasing our tails.

This was a lousy weekend. I got a stomach bug on Saturday and was throwing up like a crazy person all morning long. I had to call mom around 7am and ask her to get up when Andrew arrived because I had already thrown up nearly a dozen times in 3 hours and there was no way I was going to get up there to take care of him. I didn't make it upstairs until after noon and even then I was of no use. Mom ended up canceling her golf outing becausee I wasn't safe to leave alone, once again. Fortunately, the throwing up stopped and I was able to start keeping things down by dinner time. I didn't know it, but if things hadn't improved by 7pm, mom was taking me into the ER anyway, so I perkedup just in time!

Fortunately, the bug seems to have passed me by now and I am feeling much better. I am having a lot of pain though in my abdomen and back. It was bad enough as it was, but last night, I was taking the trash out and I was having trouble getting it away from the wall in the garage. I gave it a yank and it came out quick and slammed into my side in the front. Now, that area hurts to the point that it makes me nauseated at times. My back is hurting a lot more too - right straight back like someone has shoved their arm right through me from front to back. I am so tired of the pain.

I did manage to get the groceries today though. I spent $100 on this month's food and hopefully that will hold us out for the most part. That leaves me $50 for the rest of the month, so it should be good. I got some pizza, chicken, turkey, salad, etc. I think I did pretty well. I am still trying to get the hang of shopping on a tighter budget and for 2 instead of 1.

Well, I need to go relax for a bit. My body hurts just sitting here typing, so I need a nap.


Friday, May 4, 2007


Thank goodness it's Friday! I can honestly say that this week has been long and I am glad that it is at its end.

I had a really great day yesterday. I spent the day with Becky and Andrew. He and I played Candy Land and then the 3 of us tried to play Chutes and Ladders, but he had worn out his ability to concentrate. So, we will have to try that again later. It seems to me that after kicking my butt at CandyLand that he would have been more than ready to play another game, but fortunately, winning doesn't matter much to him yet - he just wanted to get to the party at the top of the game with Dora!

The funniest part of the day was probably when he wanted me to stay and watch Madagascar with him. So, I whispered to him that he should ask mommy if Aunt Sally could stay for dinner...he looks up and says "Hey mom, Aunt Sally needs food!" Ummm, not quite what I had in mind, but he did get the point across. We had yummy chicken marinated in terioyke on the grill - it was so good.

I have been working on laundry today - actually, I have gotten one load done and I need to go get another one going. The problem is that the clothes is downstairs and the washer is upstairs. I am in major pain today, probably a result of too busy a week and a few too many elbows to the belly yesterday (Andrew, unknowningly, elbows me when he is on my lap and is trying to get down). So, despite all my pain meds, I am in major pain (you know the kind where you sit here sweating and trying not to move because it hurts so much). So, I really need to bring another load of laundry up, but just climbing the stairs myself is hard today. I also need to get the kitchen cleaned.

Cleaning is becoming the bane of my exisitance. I feel really bad about it. I'm a messy person - I always have been and I just don't see that changing. It isn't that I don't want to be neat - I really do, but I just seem to have an inability to be neat. The problem is that it is driving mom nuts and I feel bad about it. I want so badly to clean for her and to be all that she wants of me. I really want to make her happy. The problem is that I hate cleaning. I don't know how the basement gets so messy - I'm never even down there. Actually, that is exactly the problem. I walk down there and toss stuff down and then come back upstairs and the crap just stays right where I put it and I never go back to it. So, I know that I need to get it cleaned up, but I can generally find ANYTHING else to do. I want to make her happy though - I want her to be proud of me and I want her not to be embarrassed to admit that I live with her and that I am her daughter. I love her and appreciate all that she has done for me, especially over the last couple years. It can't possibly be easy for her to go through all this and I realize this. It is extremely stressful having me here and knowing that at any moment I get sick and her life has to change all over again. I know that it is hard for her to give up her dreams of retiring and moving to Florida all because she has had to provide financially for me. I'm sure that she is less than excited about telling people that her grown daughter lives with her - even if there is a good reason. She is a wonderful mom and I couldn't ask for better. I need to do better by her.

So, I shall leave my blog for now and start cleaning and getting my laundry done. It's what I should do and so I shall.

Hope you all have a great day!


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

They didn't want me...

I had jury duty today and they didn't want me. I REALLY wanted to be selected. It was a medical malpractice case of a woman who died during the birth of twins (she died in between deliveries). I suspect that my medical background and history of being a long-term patient in the hospital that was involved was the reason that they didn't even call me to the jury box. The trial is expected to last through the end of next week, so I was inspired not only by my desire to fulfill my civic duty, but also by the $40 a day for 9 days...hello??? I could really use that $300!!!

Anyway, I am worn out. The last couple days have been busy. I met with the bankruptcy attorney yesterday and found out that it will be $990 to file. So, hopefully I can get that taken care of next week. I have some paperwork to get and I also have to find the other $400...

After the attorney, I met up with Carol and we went to Battle Creek to the mall for a moment to find some stuff for her and then we went over to Alice's. We went to the little pub again by her house and had a great time chatting and eating. They have great waffle fries there...I don't know what they put on them, but I love them!

Today, I was at the courthouse all day...we didn't get dismissed until almost 3pm, so I guess that I will get paid for a full day of jury duty - hey, it's something...

Tonight, I am in some incredible pain. I think it is a result of overdoing it the last couple days. For some reason, sitting in very stiff chairs really aggravates my abdomen. So, sitting there on the wooden benches all day in the courtroom have set things in motion tonight. Andrew apparently requested that I pick him up tomorrow from daycare, but I asked mom to do it (it's her usual night to pick him up) because I really tink that I need to just come home tomorrow and relax. I have an appointment in the wound care clinic at 9:30 and then I am going to come home and chill. We shall see what they have to offer at the wound care clinic. I am going to not shower in the morning (gross, I know) so that I can avoid changing my dressing before I go. It seems like everytime I go in there, I have just changed the dressing and they remark that there isn't much drainage and it doesn't smell when in fact, it really does drain quite a bit and stinks at times. So, my hope is that by going with the nasty dressing still on there they will see what I see everyday. Maybe that will give them a better idea of how to treat this thing.

Anyway, I am in pain and a bit miserable tonight, so I am headed to bed. I hope that you all have a great day and I will pop back here soon...
